4 thoughts on “ARTISTS

    • nickweaver320 says:

      The sexbot is a piece of guerrilla art, not by any of the step in stone artists. It’s fun to see other people entering into the spirit of the event but visitors should know that the original step in stone pieces are all listed on the info sheets and have numbered red rocks. If the sexbot artist owns up to it they might have a buyer!


  1. realramona says:

    Ha! I was wondering why it was not listed on the map. Very good fun. I took a couple of photos of the pieces on display in Fairy Cave and Asham and have them on my Flickr page and of course would like to give the artists concerned full credit. The wire mesh cubes full of orange tape, and the rusty bits of metal including an old oil drum with a paper sculpture on top.
    If you could let me know I can put that on, and add links to their pages as well as the project.


    • nickweaver320 says:

      The wire cubes with orange mesh, “A Collection of Gabions” is by Catherine Bloomfield; the rusty metal and paper sculpture is a part of the larger installation “Eviscerated Earth” by Fiona Campbell. You can find links to their individual pages from the ‘LINKS’ page


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